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Covid-19 updates


In response to the changes to the traffic light system (Orange), Superbowl will remain current rules unchanged and implement the following practices:

1.     From 26 March 2022, we do not require people to sign in anymore.


2.     From 5 April 2022, a vaccine pass is no longer required for all ages when entering Superbowl.


3.     Face mask rules remain unchanged – face masks need to be worn inside Superbowl, except if you are drinking or eating (must be seated) or in the bowling area.


4.     We will do our best to keep you at a safe social distance from others. The measures may delay your games in some cases. We highly recommend booking a lane in advance.


5.     Please leave your bowling balls on the ball return rack for our staff to sanitise and clean the area when you finish your games.

Superbowl Invercargill

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